Montecito Real Estate Update - Latest Weekly Trend
December 15, 2022 The holidays are approaching, which means it’s usually the least busy time of the year in the real estate world. During...

Montecito Real Estate Update - Latest Weekly Trend
December 6, 2022 As of last week, the Montectio real estate market had a total of 32 active listings. There was 1 new listing that hit...

Montecito Real Estate Update - Latest Weekly Trend
November 30, 2022 Going into Thanksgiving last week, we noticed a slight slowdown in the market. There were a total of 35 active listings...

Montecito Real Estate Update - Latest Weekly Trend
November 23, 2022 Although there were no closings last week, 2 new listings hit the Montecito market for those searching for a home this...

Year-Over-Year Market Comparison, Santa Barbara South County
November 20, 2022 In summary, inventory remains low. In a snapshot of current inventory levels, there are 146 homes available from...